Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Itty Bitty.

Part of being a good photographer is being able to see things differently. People that haven't taken any art classes usually look at the world differently than those of us who have. We are trained to look at lighting and composition. Part of composition is knowing when to look at the "big" picture and when to get in for a closer look, a.k.a macro. These are some of my macro shots from over the years.

Nature is a great place to explore all types of photography. As you can see, all of these macro shots are some type of natural being. Macro shots of nature let people see a side of plants, rocks, insects, and much more, in a way they wouldn't in a standard landscape shot. I love landscapes and macros of nature, and never plan on stopping, just progressing. Every day is an experience.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Beautiful pics Steph! So proud of you....love you!