Friday, February 4, 2011

Keeping up with.... the bills.

Before I start talking about how much it stinks to work all the time blah blah blah... Chris and I watched the movie "Snatch" last night. Probably my favorite movie ever. If you havent seen it then you absolutely have to. Theres a ton of cursing, very witty banter, brad pitt with no shirt, and every one has a british accent. Amazing movie.
Im trying to make an actual website to have as a portfolio. you know with the galleries, my resume, and contact info. I signed up for a free 14 day trial at smug mug, and im not sure im sold just yet. I dont know anything about java or html codes so I cant customize my page. I guess I'll be doing my homework to figure that stuff out. In other news, its freeeeeezing here. The car thermometer read -4 the other day. Lame! I signed up for this medical study that pays $1750, but it's not until March. I know i need the money to pay off my loans, but I really want a new camera too! Oh the decisions. Well, I have a month to figure that out. Its also laurens 23rd birthday today!! ahhh! we are getting so old! It stinks that i cant be there to celebrate, but i know they will have tons of fun! Sometimes i wish i can go back to highschool. Life was so simple. Well, gotta get ready for work. Here are some photos that I edited for a present for Momma. They were all taken in Utah when I first moved out here.

Twin Lakes Reservoir, Brighton

Twin Lakes Reservoir, Brighton

Lake Catherine, Alta

Mirror Lake, Uinta's

Til next time,

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