Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The Way We Live.

So in the process of getting a B.F.A there are a few obstacles to overcome. First, getting past the first year of classes called the "core." The classes are drawing 1, 2, and 3, Color and Design, Color Theory and some others. At the end of the year you have to go through the "core review." If it wasn't for Colleen drawing half of my entries, I'm not sure I would have passed.(thanks!!) After getting accepted to that, in order to get your BFA you have to go through the BFA review. This is where you show all your best work for the professors to see. If they decide you are heading down the right path and have a cohesive idea, then you are granted your own show at the end of the year. This is pretty much your thesis, the big finale to college. Thankfully, I had enough marbles in my head and had an idea, well more like the beginnings of an idea. It all started when I signed up for a trip to the the west that was offered every summer. It entailed a 3 week adventure, with 20 other students and professors that let us explore the geography and geology of the American West. Well, after taking that class and realizing how much I love traveling, my thoughts and ideas were brainstorming. It amazed me at how little people really look at the landscape. How little people care that we live in a beautiful country. How we just sit in the car, the plane, the computer chair or sofa to " experience" life. Peoples lives revolve around work and money. Life is lost in the corporate world, a world that I hopefully will never experience. This led me to the process of creating my senior thesis called, "The Way We Live." I had a series of pictures and serigraphs that portrayed my views on society. If it wasn't so long I would post my artist statement, but the gist of it is what I just stated. My process was to overlay pictures of car lights on top of the landscapes. The thoughts behind this was that on my trip, a lot of my pictures were taken through a car window, or while stopped on the side of the road. These lights now compromised the picture as it originally was, and now creates a new composition. Not sure how successful I was in my message, but I sold all but two of them, so I guess people liked them!

As my good friend Taylor said to me, "While always going somewhere, we are prevented from ever being anywhere."


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