Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Starting Over

Ok, well, I admit, I havent really been the best at keeping up with my blog. Lets be honest the last post was over two years ago. So my new years resolution (I know, I know, im a little late for that) is to keep my blog updated. A lot has happened since I last posted, so I'll make it quick: I still snowboard, not very well, I went on an awesome trip to the west summer of 09 and fell in love with it, I graduated college in may 2010 and miss it every day, worked like crazy over the summer to save up money to move to Utah, where I currently reside, Sallie Mae has taken over my bank account, I wish i was still in college, I have a job at the Cowboy Grub as a waitress cause lets be honest, I gotta pay the bills, I have been slacking in my photography cause I am so dang tired from working all the time, I am in the market for a new lens and flash, I miss my family and friends all the time, I love salt lake city, im working on not being a walking truck driver but its hard, moose and cows are still my favs, did i mention i wish i was still in college? So yeah, thats my life and I wouldnt change anything. I have so many pictures that I want to upload, but im still in the process of sorting them out into the good and bad categories. More to come soon.


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