Thursday, March 3, 2011

Cat Lady

If you don't know already, I love animals. All animals, especially cows, moose, dogs and cats. Since I can't have a moose for a pet, and I don't live on a farm, the only other option is a dog or cat. Now the problem with that is a) chris is allergic 2) I live in a 600 square foot apartment (thats really small for those that don't know square footage.) It would be selfish of me to have a pet in such a tiny place. BUT when I live in a bigger place, hopefully with a yard, I WILL have a dog (and maybe a cat.)

So back in September I was really gung-ho about getting a cat. I was looking at the Humane Societies website and getting attached to all the little kitties they had posted. Chris said no. (like always) So one night while he was showering, I was in the living room watching tv and surfin the web. Well all of a sudden I heard this meowing. I didn't think much of it cause a couple of our neighbors have cats. But then I heard it again, and again, and again.. and it was getting closer. So I took a peek out of the peep hole, and lo and behold... a cat! Just walking down the stairs. So, OF COURSE I opened the door and she came waltzing right in. I soon found out the reason for the loud meowing. Her collar some how got under her paw. So it was around part of her neck and cutting into her shoulder area. After I cut it off she stopped meowing so much. So thinking she was one of the neighbors, I knocked on some doors, but they all said she wasn't theirs. One neighbor did say they saw her running around with another tabby cat from time to time in the parking lot. KNowing she was a stray, I knew she was hungry. So I had the bright idea to give her some tuna (cause I don't have random cat food laying around.) Welp, she gobbled that up real quick. Chris was in the shower this whole time, so I picked her up and brought her into our room, where Chris was very surprised to see me holding a cat. Needless to say he was against her being in the apartment. (but I always get my way) So she stuck around for a while, snuggled up on my lap, and Chris even named her Lucky!
I called the Humane Society cause after all, she was hurt, and I dont know how to treat a cat wound. The guy came and took her away. Yes, yes, I cried like a little baby. They even sent me a letter with her picture to see if I wanted to adopt her. Im going to blame the reason why we didn't adopt her on Chris, cause let's face it, if it was up to me, she would be snuggling with me right now.

SO, the other day while leaving for work, the other tabby cat jumped onto the fence of our parking lot and was staring directly at me! She/he was sooo pretty! (aside from being dirty.) So once again my cat lady instincts kicked in and I wanted to help her! So later that day we were out and about, and OF COURSE I bought a tin of cat food. It was raining today though, so I'm going to put it out tomorrow. Hope fully she finds it and enjoys it. Maybe I should look for a job helping animals find homes. Too bad we only have one car and the shelters are all so far away!!!! I feel so bad for homeless pets..they rely so much on humans, all they want is love and care! Every one should adopt a dog or cat from a shelter or pound. They don't deserve to live in a cage!!!

My Shane!!


Jake!! (before he was a fatty)

I know this post is getting long, but I found some pictures of animals I've taken randomly through out the years.

Millie!! (pats dog out in Tahoe)

Kittie! at the Oasis Animal Shelter in South Jersey

Another kittie at the Oasis Shelter

Cat stare down.

Turtle on the road some where in Jersey

Cyra!! Joes dog in Montana

Deer? at Yellowstone

Piggie sleeping at the Utah State Fair

Goat at the Utah State Fair

Piggie Race! ..duh.. Utah State Fair!

Bear on the side of the road between Yellowstone and Grand Tetons

A Hippopotamus at the Aquarium in Camden

Fishies! at the Aquarium

Bald eagle!! (can't remember where this was taken! some where out west)

Jelly! At the Aquarium.

Ok, so not ALL of them are "animals" but I still love to take pictures of them!! maybe my calling in life is to incorporate animals and photography. Who knows.


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