Thursday, March 17, 2011

Cowboy Grub!!

We all know the story of my life.. and if you don't I'll fill you in really quick. I moved out to Utah in August with hopes and dreams of finding the best, most awesome photography job ever, all while snowboarding and living the life, everyday. Well, seeing that dream hasn't fully come true yet, I still have to pay the bills. (don't we all.) So down the road about a mile is this little restaurant called the Cowboy Grub. So in September I went there, resume in hand, and talked to the manager. He said that they don't have any positions open currently, but if I don't hear from him to give him a call in about two weeks. Well a whole two days went by and I got a call! I started training, and well.. the rest is history, I am a waitress at the Cowboy Grub! Don't get me wrong, I love it there! Every one is super nice, the food is good, and they play country music all night! What's not to love?! ...Oh that's right.. I didn't go to college to be a professional waitress... (even though, I am pretty darn good at it.) No this isn't a sob story abut how I didn't find a job in my field, and yes, this story does have a point.

So, one fine day I over heard the owner, Kim and one of the managers, JR, talking about hiring a photographer. OBVIOUSLY, I told them I could help them with what ever photographic needs they had. No, I don't have professional lenses or lighting, like I would love to have, but yes, I take good pictures and work for free. So they let me be their photographer! I came in early one day and we had a photo shoot of some baked goods for their Halloween coupon mailer. I took a bunch and we experimented with different back rounds, but eventually I got a few good shots!

There was a few weeks before the coupon was actually mailed out, but my mailbox was one of the lucky ones to get it! Both times! Yep, that's right, they used my photos twice! (Of course I got some REALLY good food out of it, so it wasn't free) Here are the mailers that were sent all over the Valley!! (not the best scan.. sorry!)

October Mailer

November Mailer

Ok, ok, I know they are the same pictures on both mailers... but it doesn't matter! I'm just so grateful they chose to use me, and actually used my pictures! Thanks to the Cowboy Grub for giving me a job, and letting me be their advertising photographer for a day! I may not have gone to college to be a waitress, but at least I have a job!


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