Friday, April 15, 2011

Color or Black & White?

As a photographer you are trained to look at the world a little differently than most. After a while, its sticks and you cant not think, "oh that would make a nice picture." Any photographer would agree that it's second nature. Well, one night while Chris and I were driving to get some dinner, we passed this lonesome little gas pump with one light. At first sight I knew I had to photograph it. Unfortunately, I didn't have my camera with me. This has become an unfortunate pattern for me. Whenever there is something I would like to photograph, I don't have my camera. I think it's my own personal fear that it will get stolen or broken. Thankfully, unlike daily situations that I can't go back to capture, this gas pump wasn't going anywhere. So last night we went back and I took a few shots. I shot in color, but after an aha! moment, I converted to black and white. I was first trained in black and white film photography, so I have a bias towards it. I still have a hard time finding color photos to be "art" but that's a discussion for another time. So tell me what you think.. color or black and white??



D.M. said...

Wow. That's a tough call. They are both beautiful and give different feelings. I love the black and white one for the solitude... but if I had to pick I'd go with the color. The deep blue is great and seeing the mountains in the background wins it for me. They are both great images though. =)

Stephanie said...

Thanks! I couldn't decide either, thats why i posted both! haha