Saturday, February 18, 2012

Friday, February 17, 2012

Creative juices..

So recently I have been brainstorming more and more ideas for my room.... Let me back it up a little bit. Jenna and I are redoing our room. All new paint, furniture and wall decor. I will take before and after pictures so you can see the dramatic transformation. I bought a bunch of canvases and gesso today so stay tuned! This was a part of my AHA! moment the other day.....

I haven't felt really "artsy" (use that term loosely) since college. It was like I graduated and all my creative juices left. No more daily trips to westby, no sitting around bullshitting about art, music, and life to be inspired. I just really felt like I lost myself. I thought being in Utah would help, which for a while it did while we were finding furniture and going to thrift town and the d.i. every other day. Then I just got in a rut and I haven't dug out. I'm still not fully out of the rut just yet. I have so many ideas but I dont know how to execute them. I dont have the money, time or resources to do everything I want just yet. I am going to start off working slow. I found an old list from college of ideas I had been jotting down when they popped in my head. I have a pad and pen in my purse, car and next to my bed so just in case I think of something awesome (not all too often) I can jot it down.

I also started to write again. In high school I would always be writing poems and songs. I thought they were good and my english teacher thought so too. I guess I had a lot more emotions back then? I know that sounds awful, but high school is a crazy emotional time in a girls life, and writing is how I sorted through those emotions. College was just plain awesome. Life now is starting to get crazy emotional again now that I'm living at home, working like crazy and trying to stay afloat financially.

Here is a little line I found from high school. It kind of lets you in my pea brain.....

"The mirror is an enemy fighting to be known.
The fight has gone on for far too long,
and my love for loosing has grown."

Since work has been kind of slow recently, I put an ad on craigslist for some models, bands blah blah that want a photo shoot. I got a few respnses, and I went on a shoot with Ellie in Madison last week. Tomorrow I have a shoot with a band, Villian Fox. The drummer lives around the corner from me! The world really is tiny. So I figured I'd post a few shots from when I had a photo shoot with Missy in Utah. I love and miss that girl, as well as the city.

She borrowed her sisters wedding dress which made for an awesome photo shoot. We went to the botanical gardens first and then ventured out route 80 about 20 minutes. There is an abandoned building and train car which is super popular with couples, models and photographers around the city. Anybody who is anybody has had a photo shoot there. So of course I had to go there! Sooner or later I'll post some pics of the other things I have been doing lately.

--Stephanie <3

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Just live...

The saying is you only live once, right? So then why are the majority of people living a life they don't love? Most people get up dreading work, sitting in traffic, worry about financial issues, fight with their loved ones because they are so stressed and complain about needing a vacation.

I want to challenge all that. Unfortunately, I am one of those people that worry about finances because of my damn student loans, but I want to be able to look back on life and say I lived the life I chose and loved every second of it.

Today I had an AHA! moment. It was about integrating my love for art and decorating with my love for travel. I dont want to give away too many details because it was just an idea and it needs to marinate, but know that big things are coming in 2012. I am currently working as the lead photographer for a portrait company and I love it, but its not what I love doing..... make sense?

My horoscope for the year also had this in it:
"If you can dream it, you can become it! Let your dreams and your imagination be your guide. No longer can you get away with putting off doing what you love without a huge sack of guilt hanging over your head. You may be more drawn to music, film, fashion and photography than ever before."

Drake said it best y.o.l.o -- you only live once. So from here on out I will be living each day with a few goals: Love it, take it all in, find the positive, and smile. I dont want one day to pass where I go to bed angry or have any grudges. Time spent in a bad mood is time wasted in my opinion. Corny? Maybe. But hey, we all have to start somewhere.