Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Growing up in North Jersey twenty minutes outside of New York is way different than growing up in South Jersey. It really is two different worlds. Where I grew up we didnt have any abandoned farm houses, or any abandoned anything for that matter. Not all the green pastures, farms and yada yada yada.We are all gung-ho Giants / Jets and the Yankees.  So coming to school in South Jersey was a very big change for me. All the open fields, long roads, and Phillies / Eagles stuff was a culture shock. On my drives from north to south I always saw this one creepy looking house on route 322. Im not sure what town it was in, but I always passed it. It was always hard to see bcause of all the overgrown bushes but you could tell it was abandoned. I decided to explore with my camera and a friend (lets face it abandoned houses are creepy). Upon my arrival I discovered it was way more than just a house that was abandoned.

There was three abandoned cars, a house, a mechanics garage, a collapse shed and just a lot of overgrowth. There was also a barn behind all the trees, but it was too creepy and we couldnt get through the trees. I went back again a second time to see if I could get more pictures, but the cars were gone and the door to the house was open. So I guess its not gonna be abandoned for much longer. Im glad I got there when I did. I found more abandoned houses that I am scoping out. More creepiness to come!

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